
Famous Last Words: The Finale

(Polar bear waving goodbye, Pinterest ) This is my last assignment for the semester and while I am glad to be done with the work, I am a little sad to be ending my time with Indian Epics. I am taking the Mythology version of this course next semester and I am so excited to see the similarities between the two and to tell more stories. Before taking this class, I had never shared any writing with other people and writing is something that I have always enjoyed. This class has helped me grow my confidence in that sense and I am so thankful for that. I hope to one day write a novel and I feel like lessons I have learned in this course will help me do that. Overall, this semester has been so hectic. I took 21 hours and unfortunately did not do as well as I had hoped in some classes. I realized that I sometimes get too caught up in matching other people’s timelines that I take on too much and get overwhelmed. The growth mindset and learning challenge assignm...

Week 15 Story: Cinderella and the Forest Fire

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away lived a family of eight. There was a dad, mom, and six children. The youngest of these six was named Cinderella. Although the family seemed like a normal family, they were actually a blended family. Cinderella’s father had married her new stepmother in hopes of providing a family for her. Her mother had died in childbirth so her father raised her for the first several years of her life, but then he met her stepmother and they were soon married. Her father was a hard working man and so he was gone a lot. Her stepmother obviously disliked her and Cinderella grew skinny from the mistreatment. Her father did not really noticed because the house with six children in it was always chaos and she was often forgotten due to her quiet nature. She knew her father loved her though and so she never complained. Her life slowly got sadder and sadder while she lived in this new house with a new family, who did not seem to care for her ...

Tech Tip: Twitter Follow

For this tech tip I followed the  instructions  and went onto twitter and followed someone new. I found the account @tinycarebot from @jonnysun's twitter and followed it. The account tweets about health tips throughout the day to remind you if you are on twitter to take care of yourself. I think that the account is such a cool way to have a constant positive on your twitter feed. (personal screen shot of  tinycarebot  and sample of tweets)

Learning Challenge: Time Management

(Bullet journal, Pexels,  source ) I figured that since I am wrapping up my 7 classes for the semester and currently drowning in work, an article on time management would be helpful. I was right about that and I totally recommend  11 ways unsuccessful people mismanage their time . It had some good tips (some that are a little too late for me this semester) and it has inspired me to make an hour by hour for this week to manage my time the best that I can. With 4 papers and a presentation due tomorrow, time management has never been more crucial.

Growth Mindset: Multiple Intelligences

(Multiple intelligene graphic,  source ) For my final growth mindset reading of the semester, I read about multiple intelligences. I really believe in this concept. It reminds me of the picture of a fish and a tree that says "If you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will always fail", which is all about how people have strengths in different areas. This is something that is hard to keep in mind in college when your intelligence seems to be directly related to your ability to jump through arbitrary hoops like tests and quizzes and then quantified into a GPA. It is such a backwards system and frustrating to get caught up in. I am glad I ended the semester with this graphic and reading because it was a great reminder right before finals.

Week 15 back up and review

I really liked the information of where the word Calico comes from along with the cute picture of the cat! (Calico Cat,  source ) The origins of words is not something I think of often but it is so interesting that a common word in the english language has roots in India.  I also enjoyed the  video about how positivity can change your brain and biology! I think that the whole concept fits in well with the growth mindset that is such a common theme in this class!

Week 15 Reading: The Tortoise and the Geese and Other Fables of Bidpai Part A

There were once two men who travelled together, one blind and one sighted. They would travel the day together and then at night they would sleep on the ground. One morning when they woke, the blind man went to grab his whip and instead grabbed a snake that had stiffened in the cold night. The blind man thought he had found a better, softer whip. The two men mounted their horses and took off on their travels for the day. The sighted man eventually saw that the blind man had a snake instead of a whip and tried to warn him. The blind man claimed the sighted man was jealous of his new whip and was lying. As this happened the snake warmed in the blind man's hand and awoke. The snake bit the blind man and he died. Image information: Snake, Wikipedia,  source Bibliography:  The Tortoise and the Geese and Other Fables of Bidpai,  Maude Dutton, 1908,  source