Storybook Favorites

When searching for storybooks I found interesting, the ones with titles related to stories I already knew seemed the most interesting.

The first I opened was Hogwarts: The Loyalty of Brothers. I appreciated how the story was linked to Harry Potter making it more interesting and relatable to modern times. The overall design of the storybook was also well done with pictures from the Harry Potter movies, as well as a well put together blog overall. The images did were very compelling and matched the part of the story being told. It seemed like a well thought out analogy. The story did seem to leave a lot open-ended since the introduction did not show much about what the story would be about, but it was cool that there was a sorting quiz which make the storybook more interactive. 
(Photo used in Storybook Introduction source)

The second storybook I read was One Woman's Story and Quest for Happiness. This storybook was less put together display wise, but had a clear and direct theme. I liked how straightforward the writing was, but wish the website was more clearly labelled. This story did seem very intriguing though and pulled the reader in. 

The final storybook I opened was My Brothers Gimm: India Edition, and this seemed to be a blend of the other two I read. There was an element linking the story to a topic many would know about, but the website display and setup was much like the "One Woman' Story..." while also inheriting its straightforwardness. There also seemed to be the most story information in this introduction, allowing the audience to learn the the most about what is actually happening while still relating it back to The Brother Grimm.

Overall, I loved the creativeness of the Harry Potter spin and the clarity in writing of the other two. 


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