Feedback Thoughts

I chose the two articles on perfectionism because I definitely am one to a fault. The main fault in my perfectionism is that if I do not feel like I am able to give something 100%, I just will not do it at all. This is a problem in classes because turning in something is always better than turning in nothing. This is also a problem for me personally because if I am doing something like a craft and I feel like it does not look perfect, I will throw the whole thing away. Since I have these tendencies, I was glad to see there were articles about it.

14 Signs Your Perfectionism Has Gotten Out Of Control: These "signs" definitely hit home for me. I fit into most of the categories in one way or another. I really liked the end of the article though where the author offered up a suggestion to make sure you are just being authentic, and then perfectionism doesn't matter. I feel like that is something most people need to hear, that as long as they are being themselves and doing their best, then everything is great.

Recalibrating the Perfectionist Mind: After finding out that I definitely am a perfectionist in the first article, I found this one super helpful. There are several good tips to teaching yourself that perfection is not the end goal. The one that stuck with me most was that I should not try to avoid mistakes, but be ready to fix and recover from ones that I do make. 

(The End Goal, Public Domain Pictures, Source)
