Famous Last Words: Slowly but Surely

My reading for this week went well, considering that I did it. I enjoyed the Mahabharata and plan on catching up on in with the extra credit readings for the next couple of weeks since I have only had the chance to do part A. I still like my Foolish, Timid Rabbit story the most, and I feel like the revisions for my portfolio really helped me create a solid story through my interpretation of it.

I am behind in this class right now because I am in so many classes this semester. My workload is a lot and I find myself working nonstop trying to stay afloat so getting ahead is not something I have been able to do in any of my classes but especially this one. I am so glad that this is an online class because attendance isn’t my strong suit so I am behind in some of my other classes as well, and although I loved the snow days, it means that my professors are cramming to get stuff in before spring break.

My hopes for the next week is to really get on top of this class. I am slowly, but surely catching up from weeks 3-4 that I really messed up with, and I think that I can really do some work since it is review week. Also, in my other classes I have a lot due, but then hopefully it means that the next week is calmer. I am especially worried about this week though because I have to go home this weekend for some family events, and it is sometimes hard for me to get any work done in my hometown because I love hanging out with my family and they are extremely distracting. Overall, I am still hopeful for success in my classes, but I am trying to also not put too much pressure on myself, because that just leads to me needing a nap.

Photo Information: Sleepy puppy, Pexels, Source


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