Reading Notes: Jataka Tales Part A

The Red Bud Tree:

In this story there is a tree that everyone wants to see. The 4 princes decide that they must see the tree so one by one they have their chariot take them into the forest so they can see what is so great about the red bud tree. The first one goes and it looks dead because it has no leaves or red buds. The second one goes, and cannot figure out why it is called the red bud since it is covered in green leaves. The third one goes and cannot believe how amazing the tree with all the red buds are. The fourth one goes, and it is covered in green pods. One day they start discussing the tree and are confused by what the others saw until the king comes and explains that it was indeed the same tree, they just each went in different seasons.

Image Information: Wikimedia Commons, Red Bud Tree, source
Bibliography: More Jataka Tales, Ellen C. Babbitt, 1992 Source


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