Week 8 Comments and Feedback

I think that the feedback I am getting from the class is good. Overall, I think people are very nice and constructive about the work. I think that specific comments are most helpful but I understand people's hesitation in making them.

I think the comments I am leaving on other people's work is good, but at times could be more constructive. I am very afraid of offending someone so I try to just leave nice comments. I think that reading other people's work has been helpful though because it gives me inspiration for my own work.

I feel like I have gotten to know people by their work! I would write my introduction a little differently if I did it again, but there is always room for improvement. 

I just need to get to work looking forward. I am excited for spring break to have a chance to really get some stuff done so hopefully I can finish early. 

I like this image, because getting over perfection and just doing work is something I struggle with daily in all my classes and my work. I am trying very hard to conquer this flaw so this image is a good reminder. 

(Photo Information: Growth Mindset Cat, Growth Mindset Memes Blog)


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