Week 8 Reading and Writing

The reading for this class has been good! At times, I have found them a little hard to follow just because there are a lot of characters with names that are not familiar to me, and places that are also unfamiliar. The reading notes help, but I definitely would like to branch out on the styles of note taking. I am also happy with my writing, but again think branching out more would be good for growing my writing. My portfolio has been fun so far and I am excited to add another story to it. I think my biggest accomplishment so far has been catching up so much last week on work. 

This is one of my favorite photos that I have used because it is what I picture when I think about being productive. I love going to coffee shops to study because I find being in my apartment very distracting. So when I need to get something done, I go to a coffee shop usually Grey Owl but if I am in a particular funk then I make it all the way to Boxcar and then I try to drink enough coffee to fuel a small army. 

Looking forward, I need to do lots of extra credit to get back on track, as well as stop worrying about doing things perfect. I have a problem with doing things half way, where if I feel like I cannot give 150% then I just will not do the thing altogether. This is a problem with school because honestly sometimes I just need to get an assignment done instead of studying each facet of the assignment for hours.

Photo information: Study set up, Pexel Stock Photo, Source


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