Growth Mindset: Multiple Intelligences

(Multiple intelligene graphic, source)
For my final growth mindset reading of the semester, I read about multiple intelligences. I really believe in this concept. It reminds me of the picture of a fish and a tree that says "If you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will always fail", which is all about how people have strengths in different areas. This is something that is hard to keep in mind in college when your intelligence seems to be directly related to your ability to jump through arbitrary hoops like tests and quizzes and then quantified into a GPA. It is such a backwards system and frustrating to get caught up in. I am glad I ended the semester with this graphic and reading because it was a great reminder right before finals.


  1. I 100% agree about the different kinds of intelligences thing. Growing up I literally thought I was stupid for the longest time because of my learning challenges (ADD and severe anxiety) but once I got to college I went from feeling like the Ron to the Hermione! Because they taught differently. Then I realized I’d always been intelligent in different ways but those weren’t appreciated in school.


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