Learning Challenge: Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique is a technique that helps make you more efficient while still letting you have small breaks. I used it this morning while doing these assignments and found it very helpful. I am a very time oriented person, for example if I set an alarm for a set time and get up then never snoozing or when I want to complete a task I set a time in my head when I am going to start and if I miss it, I have to set a new time. Because of this way of thinking, the Pomodoro method was helpful in making sure I did not get distracted or some how end up on youtube for 30 minutes and forget what I was doing.

Image Information: Timer, Pixabay, Source


  1. I am definitely a very time oriented person as well. I think that this way of thinking will help me a lot instead of saying I'll start later. I am definitely going to give this method a try. There are SO many times I tell myself I will start after I watch one YouTube video and then I find myself still on YouTube an hour later. Thank you fo sharing and I look forward to trying it out!


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