Tech Tip: Twitter Follow
For this tech tip I followed the instructions and went onto twitter and followed someone new. I found the account @tinycarebot from @jonnysun's twitter and followed it. The account tweets about health tips throughout the day to remind you if you are on twitter to take care of yourself. I think that the account is such a cool way to have a constant positive on your twitter feed.
(personal screen shot of tinycarebot and sample of tweets)
Hey, again, Kennedie, I clicked on your tech tip because I've never really been good at Twitter (if you can be good at it). I follow a few people and a few people follow me but other than that I just don't get it. I am interested in the twitter account that you followed. I just read the bio and some of the tweets and I like the idea of the account reminding you to breathe and take breaks. I need that in my life and I'm going to follow them right now - so thanks.