Week 15 Reading: The Tortoise and the Geese and Other Fables of Bidpai Part A

There were once two men who travelled together, one blind and one sighted. They would travel the day together and then at night they would sleep on the ground. One morning when they woke, the blind man went to grab his whip and instead grabbed a snake that had stiffened in the cold night. The blind man thought he had found a better, softer whip. The two men mounted their horses and took off on their travels for the day. The sighted man eventually saw that the blind man had a snake instead of a whip and tried to warn him. The blind man claimed the sighted man was jealous of his new whip and was lying. As this happened the snake warmed in the blind man's hand and awoke. The snake bit the blind man and he died.

Image information: Snake, Wikipedia, source
Bibliography: The Tortoise and the Geese and Other Fables of Bidpai, Maude Dutton, 1908, source


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