Famous Last Words: The Finale

(Polar bear waving goodbye, Pinterest)

This is my last assignment for the semester and while I am glad to be done with the work, I am a little sad to be ending my time with Indian Epics. I am taking the Mythology version of this course next semester and I am so excited to see the similarities between the two and to tell more stories.

Before taking this class, I had never shared any writing with other people and writing is something that I have always enjoyed. This class has helped me grow my confidence in that sense and I am so thankful for that. I hope to one day write a novel and I feel like lessons I have learned in this course will help me do that.

Overall, this semester has been so hectic. I took 21 hours and unfortunately did not do as well as I had hoped in some classes. I realized that I sometimes get too caught up in matching other people’s timelines that I take on too much and get overwhelmed. The growth mindset and learning challenge assignments have helped me learn to grow from my mistakes and that mistakes are a necessary part of life. I have a bad habit of not doing something at all if I think I will do it poorly or if I think I do not have the time to put in my full effort, and while that perfectionism is good in small amounts, it had gotten out of hand. I am glad that I had the opportunity to take time away from this class when I got overwhelmed with putting myself out there. It was a healthy learning curve.

I am so excited for the summer because I am starting my “real” science classes for nursing school although I am so nervous that I will do poorly and not get into nursing school. What will be will be, though, and all I can do is try so I am just going to keep thinking about my favorite quote “The Journey is the Destination” and try my best. I hope everyone has a great summer and beyond!


  1. I also really liked the class and the was assignments and grading worked. I also took a lot of hours this semester so I know the feeling. It really does affect your ability to dedicate the time and energy each class requires. Best of luck with your "real" science classes and getting into nursing school. Have fun in the mythology version next semester.

  2. Hey Kennedie! You are going to seriously love the mythology and Folklore class! I took it last semester. it is exactly this class but stories from all around the world and you get complete choice over what you read. Taking that class first and then this one where we study the same stories actually made me feel limited after having such freedom before. Enjoy your summer!


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